Handouts for Michigan Alliance for Families workshop: Know Your Rights: Procedural Safeguards

  1. PPT- 1 slide per page (8/27/2024)
  2. PPT- 3 slides per page (8/27/2024)
  3. Procedural Safeguards
  4. Procedural Safeguards Notice  Michigan Department of Education- Office of Special Education
  5. Parental Right to Participation
  6. Confidentiality of Information and Access to Records
  7. Prior Written Notice (PWN)
  8. Informed Parental Consent
  9. Independent Educational Evaluations (IEE)
  10. Dispute Resolution Options
  11. Placement during appeals
  12. Protections for children not yet determined eligible for special education and related services
  13. Private Schools: Non-Public School Resources
  14. Special Education Mediation Services (SEMS)  Free mediation and/or meeting facilitation for dispute resolution Request Services – Special Education Mediation Services
  15. Disability Rights Michigan Independent, private, nonprofit, nonpartisan protection and advocacy organization authorized by federal and state law to advocate and protect the legal rights of people with disabilities in Michigan Students with Disabilities: An Advocate’s Guide

More information on Procedural Safeguards available on our website.

Follow up questions can be directed to us at info@michiganallianceforfamilies.org, or contact your Regional Parent Mentor directly.

If you need any of these documents in an alternate format for accessibility purposes, contact Jackie Igafo-Te’o at jackie@michiganallianceforfamilies.org