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    Michigan Alliance for Families:

    Your free guide to special education.

    Michigan Alliance for Families provides information, support, and education for families who have children and young adults (birth to 26 years of age) who receive (or may be eligible to receive) special education services. This website can help you with finding information on special education issues as well as disability specific information.

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Special Education Resources

Answers about your child's special education program

Disability Information

Information about your child's disability


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Need help navigating the special education system? Talk to a parent who's been there.

Connect directly with one of our local parent mentors to address your family's needs. Their perspective can not only help you navigate the system, but they can also help you be more involved in your child's education. All Michigan families are able to access an extensive collection of electronic or printed resources, informational support and referrals to local community resources. To get in touch with a Michigan Alliance for Families staff member, Contact Us.


News & Updates

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For students with a disability who are not eligible for an IEP, a 504 Plan provides equal access to the general education curriculum. Join us on Wednesday December 4th at noon to learn 🤔 the difference between a 504 Plan and IEP, how to get a 504 Plan for your child🤔 what supports and services are available🤔 what rights you and your child have.Register at tinyurl.com/mrted8u5Register to join Michigan Alliance for Families on Wednesday, December 4 for "Section 504 at School: What Parents Need to Know."Section 504 is part of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, a civil rights statute that prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities. Students are protected in their access to academics, social engagement, extracurriculars, sports, events, and other school-sponsored activities. Students who might not qualify for an IEP may be covered by Section 504.Find answers to questions like:🤔 How do I get a 504 Plan?🤔 What is the difference between a 504 Plan and an IEP?🤔 What could supports and services look like?🤔 What are my rights?tinyurl.com/mrted8u5Find more online learning opportunities on our website calendar for 2024 and into 2025 here: www.michiganallianceforfamilies.org/upcoming-events/ ... See MoreSee Less
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The Family Center for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (Family Center) is presenting a Upper Peninsula Virtual Resource Fair on Tuesday, December 17, 2024, from 11:00-12:00 pm EST.The purpose of this webinar is to share information with attendees about the variety of supports, services, and resources available in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula for children and youth with disabilities/special health care needs, and their families.Audience: Individuals with disabilities and their families/ caregivers, youth, providers, community support organizations, and professionals.To register, visit: redcap.link/UpRegistrationPlease contact the Family Center at 1-800-359-3722 if you have any questions. ... See MoreSee Less
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Have questions about Social Security?Join Disability Network Southwest Michigan for this webinar in the Paving the Way to Self Determination series.Understanding Social Security BenefitsTuesday, December 3, 20243:30 to 5:00 PM Parents and guardians often feel lost when it comes to navigating Social Security disability benefits for their loved one with a disability. This training will provide an overview of the two Social Security disability benefit programs – Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) – which can provide financial support to individuals with disabilities. Presenters will touch on the benefit application process, important factors around turning age 18, the impact of parental income/assets, and the myth that people receiving benefits can’t hold employment to reach further financial security.Presented by Pete Mulder & Allison Leece, Social Security Benefits Counselors of Disability Network Southwest Michigan.events.zoom.us/ev/Ao5vHWW3D9xkXmIGYbru4xKouPoLupfmRkBsBH6hcvIHIrHedjtQ~ApHXpqvnzxXZbZoXONunax78cU... Registration at bit.ly/MI-pavingtheway ... See MoreSee Less
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IDEAs that Work

Funding Statement

Michigan Alliance for Families is a Michigan Department of Education IDEA Grant Funded Initiative. Michigan Alliance for Families is our state's federally funded Parent Training and Information Center. The contents of this website were developed under a grant from the US Department of Education, H328M200015. However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the US Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. Project Officer, David Emenheiser.