
Handouts for Michigan Alliance for Families workshop- Employment Expectations

  1. Employment Expectations PPT- 1 slide per page (updated 2-2024)
  2. Employment Expectations PPT- 3 slides per page (updated 2-2024)
  3. Vision Planning worksheet please print this worksheet before the workshop​​​​​​​​​
  4. Positive Personal Profile worksheet please print this worksheet before the workshop
  5. What Is Self-Advocacy, And Why Is It Important?
  6. Transition Step-By-Step: From Special Education to Adulthood
  7. Transition Planning for Students with Disabilities MDE guidance that outlines transition requirements, components of transition planning, and a list of community agencies and other transition resources.
  8. Michigan Rehabilitation Services (MRS)
  9. MRS Online Application available in English, Spanish and Arabic
  10. Michigan Career and Technical Institute (MCTI)
  11. Bureau of Services for Blind Persons (BSBP)
  12. BSBP Training Center
  13. Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Youth Program Michigan Works!
  14. Registered Apprenticeships 
  15. JobCorps
  16. Project SEARCH
  17. Work Incentives Planning and Assistance (WIPA) from the Social Security Administration
  18. The Red Book – A Guide to Work Incentives book from Social Security Administration explaining work incentive programs
  19. Disability Rights Michigan – free advocacy and information for issues with employment or Social Security
  20. Michigan Achieving a Better Life Experience (MiABLE)
  21. I’m Determined – SPIN worksheet
  22. Careers and Career Information CareerOneStop
  23. Think College
  24. Job Accommodation Network
  25. Employment First in Michigan

Follow up questions can be directed to us at info@michiganallianceforfamilies.org, or contact your Regional Parent Mentor directly.

If you need any of these documents in an alternate format for accessibility purposes, contact Jackie Igafo-Te’o at jackie@michiganallianceforfamilies.org

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