
Parent Advocacy

photo of hands typing on a laptop, text overlay reads Advocating for your child with a disability

Parents are a child’s first and best advocate and are there for the long haul. As a parent, you are an expert on your child and it’s important that your voice is heard. Parents who learn good communication skills can be even more effective.

Parent and professional communication and effective partnerships do not “just happen.” It takes time, energy, and effort to build skills to communicate clearly and collaborate effectively. Becoming a more effective advocate by enhancing your communication skills can be a great benefit to your child’s education.

Being able to effectively communicate your child’s needs is another way for you to help your child develop and learn.

These are several resources from PACER Center available to prepare yourself for your child’s IEP meeting.

Parent Input at the IEP meeting

The Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance portion of the IEP is where parent input is documented. This is an important opportunity for parents to share information and concerns.

Get and Stay Organized

Key to clear communication with your child’s teachers, therapists, doctors and nurses is keeping all your papers organized! Most parents find it very helpful to organize before it becomes a mountain of paperwork.

If a dispute ever comes up in the future, it will be very important for you to have established a paper trail –  document your contact with the school – conversations, meetings and other events.

Skills for Effective Parent Advocacy 

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