
Youth in Transition Who Experienced Foster Care

Connecting youth in transition who experienced foster care to appropriate information and programs before the student transitions from school to adult life is critical. Please explore the resources listed below.

High School Youth in Transition Checklist for Youth Who Experienced Foster Care 
This resource is meant to be used as a guide for students experiencing foster care and their caseworker throughout their years of high school with tasks and resources of how to successfully transition to post-secondary education in the state of Michigan.

Transition Planning for Students with Disabilities MDE guidance that outlines transition requirements, components of transition planning, and a list of community agencies and other transition resources.

Transition IEPs help students be more prepared for life after high school. For students who have experienced or are experiencing foster care there are additional considerations to face, and accessing community resources that can help make a smoother transition from school to adulthood.

Youth in Transition (YIT) (Michigan’s name for Federal Chafee funding) is a funding source available to cover expenses related to the development of self-sufficiency for youth who experienced out of home care after the age of 14 and have not yet reached age 23. Eligible expenses must not be covered by any other government or community resources.

Michigan Education and Training Voucher (ETV) may be provided to eligible youth to help fund their post-secondary educational and training endeavors. Funds from this source are called Education and Training Vouchers (ETV).

  • Youth eligible for this funding opportunity must meet Michigan’s Youth in Transition (YIT) fund eligibility requirements. Youth who were adopted on or after their 16th birthday are also eligible. Funds from this source are available to youth until their 26th birthday as long as all eligibility requirements continue to be met, for up to 5 fiscal years.

The Tuition Incentive Program (TIP) encourages eligible Medicaid recipients to complete high school by providing tuition assistance during an eligible student’s qualifying certificate or associate degree program and also during the student’s bachelor’s degree program.

Extra Support in School So Students in Foster Care Can Thrive Youth in foster care can face barriers when enrolling in school enrollment or making it to graduation. Youth experiencing foster care, their families, and DHHS caseworkers have access to free support from Student Advocacy Center of Michigan.


These videos were produced for the Project Launch grant, which prioritizes reaching underserved and underrepresented families. Project Launch’s mission is to serve transition age youth and families to achieve meaningful employment, independent living, and full community inclusion outcomes.

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