
IEP- More Resources

hand stacking blocks with a magnifying glass, a handshake, profile, clipboard, and lightbulb

In addition to our IEP webpage and our A-Z list of topics, check out these additional resources.

Michigan Department of Education

“Students with Disabilities: An Advocate’s Guide” is Disability Rights Michigan’s guide to the rights and laws that govern special education and other rights of children with disabilities in Michigan.  The manual is divided into chapters and can be downloaded or ordered in hard copy.

Pop-Up IEP– the original. Sixteen common statements parents may hear at an IEP meeting, with possible responses you could give. These are “conversation stoppers” that parents may hear when advocating for their children. Knowing what the “real” issues might be, some respectful but effective responses, and what the laws say about educating children with disabilities can assist you in getting your IEP team meetings moving again in a more positive direction!

Pop-Up IEP for Special Factors Twelve special factors IEP teams must consider when developing a child’s IEP.

Guidance from OSEP: Schools can use email for distributing IEPs and related documents.

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