

graphic design two rows of people shapes, one with two in red, the second with many more in red. with text that reads When minorities are inappropriately identified for special education services, suspended or expelled more than other students, or shifted inappropriately into settings other than general education classrooms

Disproportionality occurs when students from a particular racial/ethnic group are notably over-represented or under-represented as compared to the overall student population.  This includes when minorities are inappropriately identified for special education services, suspended or expelled more than other students, or shifted inappropriately into settings other than general education classrooms.

Federal law requires each state to collect and examine data to determine if students, based on race and ethnicity, face

  1. disproportional identification for special education services
  2. disproportionate placement of children in particular educational settings
  3. disproportional discipline (including suspension and expulsion)

Learn more about significant disproportionality:


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