

The word “deaf-blind” may seem as if a person cannot hear or see at all. The term actually describes a person who has some degree of loss in both vision and hearing. The amount of loss in either vision or hearing will vary from person to person. The combination of losses limits access to auditory… Continue Reading Deaf-Blind


Be sure to visit our Eligibility webpage for more resources on this topic. Don’t see what you’re looking for? Search the bigger A-Z list or contact us. Initial Evaluation for Special Education Fact Sheet Family Matters نشرة حقائق التقييم الأولي لتعليم ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة (العربية) Hoja informativa: Evaluación inicial para la educación especial (español) Does my child need special… Continue Reading Evaluation

Our Partner Resource List

Michigan Alliance for Families is a Michigan Department of Education IDEA Grant Funded Initiative and our state’s federally funded Parent Training and Information Center. We work in partnership with many agencies and organizations. This resource list, while not exhaustive, can connect you with many important resources. The Arc Michigan Advocacy and support for individuals with… Continue Reading Our Partner Resource List

Disability Specific Information

Michigan Alliance for Families has information available about many disabilities. Each page includes a description of the disability, the rule regarding eligibility requirements for special education services, tips for parents, and connects you with local resources/ organizations. specific disabilities. If you need more information or don’t see the disability topic that you are searching for, please contact… Continue Reading Disability Specific Information